Communication Resources

Stay Informed!

Don’t miss out on important school-year information. Make sure you are aware of all the different ways RHS and the IB program communicate.

Robinson High School Website
IB Magnet Home Page

RIBLI Emails:

RIBLI News – This email is sent by RIBLI to all subscribers. We send weekly as long as there is news to share. Information in these emails is primarily IB specific and comes from both the IB administration and the RIBLI board. Click here to register.

REMIND 101 Messages:
All students and parents should register to receive Remind 101 text info for their class. If you are not currently receiving Remind 101 messages, please send a text to the number below with the appropriate class year.  Please note there will be Remind 101 lists for the entire school Juniors and Seniors, and a separate Remind 101 for each RHS IB class from Freshman to Seniors.  

IB Seniors (Class of 2019) — Text the message @rhsib2019 to the number 81010         RHS Seniors (Class of 2019) — Text @trrhs2019 to the number 81010
IB Juniors (Class of 2020) — Text the message @rhsib2020 to the number 81010       RHS Juniors (Class of 2020) — Text @trrhs2020 to the number 81010
IB Sophomores (Class of 2021) — Text the message @rhsib2021 to 81010
IB Freshman (Class of 2022) — Text the message @rhsib2022 to 81010

You can also register to receive Remind 101 messages via email.   Just send a blank email to the address that corresponds to your class:

Knightly News – This is an email sent monthly by the RHS PTSA and is a great source of information for all families.
You will be automatically registered to receive this email based on your email address on file with your students’ records.

Hillsborough County School District, RHS, and our RHS IB administration will, from time to time, send important automated phone messages to the phone number associated with your students’ file.

Social Media
The PTSA maintains a Facebook page: Robinson High PTSA and IB administration maintains a Twitter account: RHS IB. Please note: no essential information is communicated via social media.

For more information about RIBLI, please send an email to