Edsby is an online education platform that lets parents track their students academic progress, communicate with teachers, and helps parents play a more active part in their childrens’ education.
Edsby provides students with an easy way to stay up to date on what is going on in their classes, track their homework assignments, view their grades and communicate with teachers and other students in their classes. RHS students use their Hillsborough County Student Number and Password to access their Edsby account. (If students are new to Hillsborough County, they can set up their password using these New Password Instructions.)
Parents need to create their own, separate account to view their student’s progress and communicate with teachers. Parents can create their account and access Edsby through mySPOT (https://myspot.sdhc.k12.fl.us/login/).
If you already have an Edsby account, you may also access it here: https://sdhc.edsby.com.